Oct 8, 2015

School of Information Hiring New Professor in Human-Centered Data Science

The UC Berkeley School of Information is seeking a tenure-track professor with expertise in human-centered data science. The position is expected to start in July 2016.

This work is emerging in fields such as HCI, CSCW, human computation, and other areas at the intersection of social science and technology. Some relevant topics of interest include but are not limited to:

  • Interactive Data Visualization
  • Human-centered Database Systems
  • Ethical uses of Big Data
  • Collaborative Data Analysis
  • Data Wrangling
  • Learning at Scale
  • Social and Economic Network Analysis
  • Crowd-sourced Data Systems
  • Human-centered Machine Learning Applications
  • Humanitarian Data: Tools and Applications

Full job announcement and application instructions
(Applications are due December 14.)

Last updated: October 4, 2016