May 13, 2017

Commencement Awards Honor 2017 Graduates

The School of Information’s 2017 commencement ceremony presented an opportunity to honor both faculty and student achievements.

Dean AnnaLee Saxenian presented awards for outstanding capstone projects from the Master of Information & Data Science program and the Master of Information Management & Systems program.

Students in both the MIMS & MIDS programs voted for their most outstanding instructors, and MIMS students also gave awards to their classmates.

James R. Chen Award for Outstanding MIMS Final Project, 2017

The Transparency Times
Andrea Gagliano, Sasha Volkov
A physical installation to explore the costs and benefits of the rise of connected infrastructure and embedded sensor technologies.
Advisor: Kimiko Ryokai

Teal Alert
Divya Garg, Jeanie Oh, Lynell Amanna
Using wearable devices to send out an alert when the user loses consciousness.
Advisor: John Chuang

Honorable Mention:
Bazar (Astika Gupta, Rohit Bahirwani)

Hal R. Varian MIDS Capstone Award, Spring 2017

Apekshit Sharma, Derek S. Chan, Shruti van Hemmen
Mitigating online gender harassment through 1) user feedback, 2) empathetic innovation, and 3) data-science products

YaBO! – Yelp Activated for Business Owners
Anthony Spalvieri-Kruse, Chris Bennett, Eric Perkins, Patrick Ng
YaBO! is a web portal to give restaurant owners the insights they need to become successful.

Faculty Awards

Distinguished Faculty Award (MIMS program):
Steven Weber

Distinguished Faculty Award (MIDS program):
D. Alex Hughes

MIMS Student Awards

(Presented by the Information Management Student Association)

Student with the Most Spirit:
Parv Sondhi

Outstanding Teaching Assistant:
Parv Sondhi

Last updated: May 19, 2017