Dec 9, 2019

Dr. Amit Elazari Bar Hosts Live Podcast About Cybersecurity and Privacy

From Tech Republic

Intel expert divulges security trends

By N.F. Mendoza

In partnership with the UCLA Burkle Center for International Relations, Dr. Amit Elazari Bar On held a live podcast to discuss her research in cybersecurity, patents, copyright and privacy. Elazari is the director of global cybersecurity policy at Intel and lecturer at UC Berkeley's School of Information.

In the podcast, Elazari shared her thoughts on the emergence of the ethical hacker, or someone who looks for vulnerabilities in cyber-systems and reports them to the corporation, in order for it to mitigate the vulnerability and issue a patch for a fix. “This is the idea that companies can actually collaborate with external hackers, ethical hackers, friendly hackers and security researchers,” who are not employed by the organization, “but out there testing the devices for potential security vulnerabilities or for potential issues that might leak information of users.”

Other topics Elazari talked about in the podcast include the current state of user privacy, as well as how the regulation of technology has increasingly become a global issue.


Dr. Amit Elazari Bar On is director of global cybersecurity policy at Intel and a lecturer at UC Berkeley School of Information master’s in cybersecurity program. She graduated her Doctor of Science of the Law (J.S.D.) from UC Berkeley School of Law.

Last updated: June 12, 2020