Jul 21, 2019

NPR Shares danah boyd’s Advice to Parents on Tech Use

From NPR

Parents, Sometimes You're The Problem When It Comes To Tech Use

By Anya Kamenetz

Elise Potts picked up her 17-month-old daughter, Eliza, from daycare recently. When they got home they were greeted by a strange scene...

But life isn't perfect, and sometimes we need to be in two places at once. If you do need to use your phone around your kids...

  • Narrate what you are doing, says researcher danah boyd. “Let’s check the weather to see what you should wear to school,” for instance, or, “Let's ask Mom to pick up milk on her way home from work...”

Ultimately we are raising adults who will grow up and need to make their own choices. We have to balance protecting them with empowering them...

  • Researcher danah boyd, author of It’s Complicated: The Social Lives of Networked Teens, says your kid may or may not choose to be your “friend” on social media. As they get later on into high school, It’s good to recruit trusted people in their network — older siblings, cousins, family friends or aunts — to follow them and also keep an eye out. It really does take a village.


danah boyd received her Ph.D. from the UC Berkeley School of Information and is the founder of the Data & Society Research Institute. She is also a researcher at Microsoft and a visiting professor at New York University.

Last updated: July 23, 2019