Mar 5, 2019

Steve Weber Breaks Down What Quantum Computing Means for Big Tech

From Marketplace

103: Quantum Computing for Normals

By Molly Wood and Kai Ryssdal

We're taking a break from politics and the culture wars to get into some weird science: quantum computing. It's not super easy to explain, but going quantum allows computers to operate by a totally different set of rules that could change some major things, like national security and medical breakthroughs. President Donald Trump recently signed the National Quantum Initiative Act, calling for a $1.2 billion investment in quantum computing. What's that mean for Big Tech, the economy or the regular consumer? UC Berkeley's Steven Weber breaks it down...


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Steve Weber is a professor at the I School and the faculty director for the UC Berkeley Center for Long Term Cybersecurity (CLTC).

Last updated: January 3, 2020