Jan 28, 2020

Hany Farid Concerned that Security Firm Cloudfare Protects Child Pornography Sites

From Karma

Security Firm Cloudfare Provided Protection to Child Pornography Sites, Report Says

By Mark Shenk

Network security behemoth Cloudflare may have to rethink its policy of taking on all customers after a report highlighted that the company is helping protect domains that host child pornography.

Cloudfare’s Content Delivery Service (CDN) is host to hundreds of websites featuring exploitative child material, according to a report from L1ght, a Tel Aviv-based startup that works to make the internet safe for children. The Israeli company found sites with hashtags and other triggers that attract pedophiles. Some of the sites appeared to not be moderating the material, while in others, the matter appears to be actively publicized, Forbes said.

“It took us almost 10 years to get the major social media companies to take this issue seriously,” Hany Farid, a professor of computer science at Berkeley, who helped Microsoft create a program that removes exploitative photos of children, told TNW. “I hope that it doesn’t take another 10 years to get internet infrastructure companies to do the same.”


Professor Hany Farid has a joint appointment at UC Berkeley in the School of Information and EECS.

Last updated: June 12, 2020