Jan 15, 2020

Steven Weber Co-Authors CLTC Report Concerning Board Management of Cybersecurity Risks

From Business Wire

New Report from UC Berkeley Center for Long-Term Cybersecurity and Booz Allen Hamilton Highlights Urgent Need for Board Engagement to Manage Cybersecurity Risk

By Business Wire

Rapidly evolving cybersecurity threats are now commanding the attention of senior business leaders and boards of directors and are no longer only the concern of IT security professionals. A new report released today from University of California, Berkeley’s Center for Long-Term Cybersecurity (CLTC) and Booz Allen Hamilton (NYSE: BAH) uses insights gleaned from board members with over 130 years of board service across nine industry sectors to offer guidance for boards of directors in managing cybersecurity within large global companies. The report, “Resilient Governance for Boards of Directors: Considerations for Effective Oversight of Cyber Risk,” provides an innovative framework to help boards take a dynamic approach to cybersecurity governance and oversight...

“Cybersecurity is now at — or very near — the top of enterprise risks that boards of directors oversee, but few boards feel confident that they know how to do this well,” said Steve Weber, CLTC faculty director and co-author of the report. “Our report offers a new framework for how to govern cybersecurity risk at the board level, and how to improve and evolve governance over time as the threat evolves. The report develops practical answers to the question, ‘What does good cybersecurity governance look like?’”


Steven Weber is a professor in the UC Berkeley School of Information and Faculty Director of the Center for Long-Term Cybersecurity.

Last updated: June 12, 2020