Jan 27, 2021

Dean Jennifer Chayes Dedicated to Advancing Diversity in Computing

From Berkeley News

Berkeley’s data science leader dedicated to advancing diversity in computing

By Kara Manke

From dictating which posts appear in our social media feeds to deciding whether or not a suspect might be guilty of a crime, data and computing have come to permeate nearly all aspects of our lives. But while these systems can offer many benefits, their faults — whether data breaches, unintentional biases in algorithms or the proliferation of misinformation — can have disastrous effects, especially on already marginalized individuals and communities.

That’s why Jennifer Chayes, UC Berkeley’s new data science leader, is dedicated to creating an environment where data and computing are informed by leaders from all disciplines, including ethics and the humanities, and where people of all races, genders and socioeconomic backgrounds are welcomed at the table.

Chayes, associate provost of the Division of Computing, Data Science, and Society (CDSS) and dean of the School of Information at Berkeley, discussed her vision for the future of CDSS at a virtual Campus Conversations event on Wednesday...


Last updated: February 3, 2021