Jul 8, 2022

Fortune Features MICS Career and Salary Outcomes

From Fortune

Graduates with a master’s degree in cybersecurity are reporting average salaries of $214,000

By Rich Griset

When it comes to job demand, it’s hard to beat the field of cybersecurity. By 2025 there will be an estimated 3.5 million unfilled cybersecurity jobs across the globe, according to Cybersecurity Ventures, a researcher and publisher that covers the international cyber economy. And that follows a 350% growth in the number of open cybersecurity jobs between 2013 and 2021...

“The job market’s insane for cybersecurity,” says Mary McHale, a career advisor for the master’s of information and cybersecurity program (MICS) at the University of California—Berkeley. The university landed the No. 1 spot on Fortune’s first-ever ranking of the best online master’s degree programs in cybersecurity. “When you look at the opportunity and demand, it’s tremendous...”

According to a UC Berkeley salary survey of alumni, graduates with a master’s degree in cybersecurity make an average salary of $214,000, not including bonuses; the median salary is $200,000. Some graduates who are now executives, such as chief information security officers (CISOs), chief information officers (CIOs), and chief technology officers (CTOs) make more than $300,000.

“The CISO roles are going to be more over the $250,000, $300,000 [salary mark], closer to $400,000, depending on the company and the size of the organization,” McHale says...

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Last updated: July 11, 2022