From New Scientist
Fake faces created by AI look more trustworthy than real people
Christa Lesté-Lasserre
Artificial intelligence can create such realistic human faces that people can’t tell them apart from real faces – and they actually trust the fake faces more...
“We should be concerned, because these synthetic faces are incredibly effective for nefarious purposes, for things like revenge porn or fraud, for example,” says Sophie Nightingale at Lancaster University in the UK...
Nightingale and her colleague Hany Farid at the University of California, Berkeley asked 315 untrained and 219 trained participants, recruited on a crowdsourcing website, to say whether they could distinguish a selection of 400 fake photos from 400 photographs of real people. Each set consisted of 100 people from each of four ethnic groups: white, Black, East Asian, and South Asian. They then asked an additional 223 participants to rate a selection of the same faces on their level of trustworthiness, on a scale of 1 to 7...
Hany Farid is a professor at the University of California, Berkeley with a joint appointment in electrical engineering & computer sciences and the School of Information.
Sophie Nightingale is a former postdoctoral scholar at the UC Berkeley School of Information.