Aug 20, 2023

Finding Fact From Fiction: Hany Farid and ABC News Explore Ways To Combat Realistic Deepfakes

From ABC News

Amid spread of AI tools, advocates for new digital standard say it would help sort fact from fiction

By Emmanuelle Saliba and Julia Cherner

Experts tell ABC News that the rise of generative artificial intelligence is making it more challenging for the public to tell fact from fiction -- and with the 2024 presidential race only a little more than a year away, some are worried about the risk from deceptively fake political content.

Generative AI is the use of artificial intelligence tools capable of producing content including text, images, audio and video with a simple prompt...

“They could do this tomorrow. There’s no barrier to entry here,” said University of California, Berkeley, computer science professor Hany Farid, who said that content credentials are a free open-source technology that companies can easily implement...



Hany Farid is a professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences and the School of Information at UC Berkeley. He specializes in digital forensics.

Last updated: September 2, 2023