Mar 21, 2023

As Tech Company Layoffs Continue, Rebecca Andersen Weighs In

From Berkeley Computing, Data Science, and Society (CDSS)

As tech company layoffs continue, Berkeley advisors share advice with students

By Rachel Leven

Thousands of UC Berkeley data science and computing students are preparing to graduate in May amidst a slew of technology company layoffs. Some are worried about finding a job. 

Berkeley advisors are urging expected graduates to take a beat and embrace a more nuanced job market view. They’re reminding students of what they have control over in their search and what they’ve already accomplished. And they’re telling students to give themselves grace.

“This generation will have 12 plus jobs in their lifetime. I often emphasize to students that this is just the first one,” said Amanda Dillon, a Berkeley Data Science Undergraduate Studies advisor. “Students tend to really overwhelm themselves with expectations … [but] it’s just a stepping stone...”

Regardless of who is being cut, a CompTIA analysis of federal data shows the technology market is still healthy, said Rebecca Andersen, the School of Information’s senior director of student and alumni career development. Demand remains high for workers with expertise in areas like artificial intelligence. The technology unemployment rate remains low... 


Last updated: March 23, 2023