Nov 29, 2024

MIMS Alum Gautham Koorma Says Resolution Plays an Important Role in AI Detection Accuracy

From India Today

AI image models are racing ahead so fast, they’re unable to look back!

By Jyoti Dwived

George Cayley, arguably the father of aviation, conceived a prototype of the modern aeroplane in 1799. The first commercial flight became reality on January 1, 1914, and flew from St. Petersburg to Tampa in Florida. It took one hundred fifteen years for this idea to take off.

Scientific innovations have always been relays and marathons, not sprints. Long painstaking journeys from pen-and-paper plans to tightening the final bolt. But generative AI is clearly the exception. The rapidity with which it has evolved is unlike any innovation in the history of mankind...

Notably, the 2017 and 2018 samples tested were of relatively lower resolution as compared to their counterparts from 2019. Gautham Koorma, a researcher at the UC Berkeley School of Information, told us that resolution plays an important role in detection accuracy. He explained, “Images smaller than 224x224 pixels may not match the expected input size for many modern neural networks...”


Gautham Koorma is a recent graduate of the MIMS program (’23). His final project focused on determining the authenticity of audio clips and whether they were deepfaked. 

Last updated: December 2, 2024