
I School Voices

Commentary, perspective, and analysis from I School faculty, students, and scholars.

Prof Steve Weber and Gabriel Nicholas (MIMS ’18) co-author an article for GlobalAsia explaining how digital technology has…
Mark Zuckerberg claims that Facebook users want to see ads tailored to their interests. But the data show the opposite is true.
Steve Weber co-authors an article for the Washington Post sharing what American foreign policy can learn from today's Super Bowl. 
Joshua Blumenstock: Information from satellites, mobile phones, and other sources is not a panacea for international-development problems.
Chris Hoofnagle discusses the policing of Facebook’s privacy policies and FTC enforcement.
Dean Saxenian reflects on her path to a top leadership position in academia, and why it's critical to showcase gender parity in our programming.
Facebook is right to claim this incident was no breach  —  this is Facebook’s platform working exactly as designed.