

The School of Information 2018 graduation ceremony celebrated outstanding MIMS and MIDS capstone projects and outstanding faculty and students.
Chris Hoofnagle discusses the policing of Facebook’s privacy policies and FTC enforcement.
I School startup Clinico uses blockchain to give clinical trial patients the ability to secure, share, and profit from their data.
Dean Saxenian reflects on her path to a top leadership position in academia, and why it's critical to showcase gender parity in our programming.
Lyme disease management tool Clymb Health aims to improve quality of life for chronic disease sufferers.
Facebook is right to claim this incident was no breach  —  this is Facebook’s platform working exactly as designed.
Machine learning and big data don’t intuitively go hand-in-hand with studies of literary fiction; however, new research from Professor David Bamman,…
I School professor and author Morten Hansen has released a new book: Great at Work: How Top Performers Do Less, Work Better, and Achieve More…
The School of Information Winter Commencement ceremony on Sunday, January 21, 2018 was an emotional celebration of the 101 Summer and Fall 2017…
The School of Information January 2018 graduation ceremony celebrated outstanding MIDS capstone projects and outstanding faculty and students.