

Schluchter details his job search, the interview process, and a surprising decision to turn down a job offer.
Video from the Tangible User Interface exhibition on May 2 & 4, 2011. The "Theory and Practice of Tangible User Interfaces" course focuses on…
A dozen faculty, students, and scholars from the School of Information will be delivering papers, presenting "works in progress" posters, and…
The representation of women among academic deans now roughly corresponds to the number of women on the faculty.
Big Ideas prizes go to From Crop to Cup (first prize) and MobileWorks (third prize); Next Drop wins GSVC grand prize.
Initiatives will benefit Indian college students, Latin American coffee growers, and aspiring IT laborers among India's villages and slums. assists Indian college students with peer-to-peer technology and microlending. NextDrop provides near real-time information about water…