
Alexander Keivahn Smith

Alumni (MIDS 2016)



Princeton University, 2009-2013
Phi Beta Kappa
A.B., Near Eastern Studies (Magna Cum Laude)
Certificate: Persian Language
Coursework: Public Finance, Law & Econ., Calculus, Microecon., Oil & Energy, Architecture, Comp. Sci.

University of Oslo, 2010
International Summer School
Coursework: International Politics


Spring 2013:
Using Primary Care to Address Mental Health in Rural Iran (Senior Thesis; Awarded T. Cuyler Young Prize)
Summer 2012: SA’s Salt Intake: Reducing the Risk (Co-Author; Published: Research SA)
Spring 2012: Fall 2012:
Evolution of America’s Iran Sanctions
(Accepted: Georgetown U. Conference)
The Challenges of and Policy Solutions to Egypt’s Unemployment Crisis (Published: Juhood Journal, Duke U.)


McMaster-Carr Supply Company (Fall 2013 - Present | Atlanta, GA)
Evaluated operational processes to identify opportunities to address weaknesses and capitalize on strengths to improve the customer experience in both the long- and short-term. Managed a team of 12 people to exceed daily and quarterly expectations. Built a staffing model to predict departmental responsiveness based on historic data trends. Improved departmental responsiveness by 12% using the model's recommendations. Coded a visual basic program to alert management when work aged beyond expectations.

Priority Cost Effective Lessons for Systems Strengthening (PRICELESS) (Summer 2012 | Johannesburg, South Africa)
Research Assistant
Analyzed the pathway to care, prevalence, and burden of mental illness in rural South Africa using published articles, grey literature, and survey data. Assembled research into a journal article for submission. Used WHO models to contextualize cost-effective interventions for diabetes using epidemiological and costing data.

Healing Across the Divides, Inc (Summer 2011 | Silver Spring, MD)
Reviewed and assessed journal articles and published and unpublished reports on the social, financial, and cultural barriers for Palestinian women to receive proper breast cancer diagnosis and treatment. Identified grassroots, community-based Palestinian healthcare organizations as potential recipients of funding.

NIST, AASHTO Advanced Pavement Research Laboratory (Summer 2011 | Gaithersburg, MD)
Research Intern 
Drafted lab reports on asphalt standards testing to be submitted to AASHTO. Summarized lab reports on asphalt qualities and characteristics. Ran F- and t-tests on survey data from AMRL using Excel and MATLAB. Designed PowerPoint presentations and brochure based on lab reports to be presented at 2011 AASHTO Conference in VT.


Last updated:

July 3, 2024