Alvin Ng

Alumni (MIDS 2024)


Data Engineer, with focus in machine learning at scale


Data Science
Software Development


Hi, I am Alvin, an incoming MIDS student. I graduated from UCLA as an econ major in 2019 and currently working as a Data engineer. I have always had a passion for coding but it is not until I took a class in my undergraduate study called Economic Forecasting, which uses advanced regression models to work with economic data, that was brought into the data world. Since then, I have been pursuing endlessly in becoming a better data engineer by equipping myself with the knowledge of both data scientists and data analysts, hence joining this MIDS program. I started at my current company as an account manager but by going the extra mile and demonstrating my capability, I was eventually offered to move to the position of a data engineer. Without having a technical background, I dived into the sea of knowledge and quickly absorbed everything I can on the job. Unfortunately, being one of a kind in my company means I am a data engineer, a data scientist, and a data analyst at the same time. When the company started to grow, I become struggling at scaling my current projects. As I lack the necessary guidance from the company, I began my search to become better at what I do, and being accepted into MIDS is my opportunity to achieve that. Learning from my weaknesses, I want to dedicate my academic focus at the I School to data engineering and machine learning at scale.