Ashutosh Tiwari

MIMS Student 2025


AI research, Entrepreneurship, AI Product Strategy, Decision Intelligence


Business Strategy
Data Science
Product Management


I am a "Software Savvy" Engineer and AI researcher.
I’m deeply interested in machines’ ability to learn faster, model complex systems, provide insights into human cognition. My recent focus is on solving research problems in Interpretable & Explainable AI, Neuro-Symbolic reasoning systems(NSAI), and codifying logic in evolving AI systems. I love to spend my weekends brainstorming entrepreneurial ideas and fail, only to start again.I have always loved to build and manage products.

I am passionate about Innovation, Entrepreneurship & Research, emerging technologies, and open source. I've extensively worked on managing products involving Machine Learning, AI, and Data pipelines dovetailing with other Front-end and back-end engineering technologies. Throughout my journey, I have learned the What? Why? Who? and How? of scale efficient consumer-centric products, continuously adding value to businesses and developing equitable, inclusive, and just product solutions, now trying to do more of it at UC Berkeley...