Connor McCormick

Alumni (MIDS 2023)


Data Scientist at Cisco Systems focusing on NLP Models that automate support engineer workflows


Data Science


Hi, I'm Connor and I am currently a data scientist at Cisco on their Enterprise AI team. Basically, my team works as an internal data science contractor service within Cisco solivng problems across the organization. My job focus is on automating support engineer workflows to increase efficiency and productivity via NLP models that analyze customer support responses. Before Cisco, I recently graduated from UC Berkeley as a Cognitive Science major, focusing in Computer Science. I really fell in love with data science during the course DATA100: Principles and Techniques of Data Science, which was a rigorous crash course covering the fundamentals of the data science field. Outside of data science as a career and an academic endeavour, I love all things sports and activities including but not limited to surfing, skiing, soccer, tennis, volleyball, swimming, and spikeball. Feel free to reach out to me if you ever want to chat about Data Science or just life in general:)