John Tabbone

Alumni (MIDS 2018)


I'm drawn to Data Science because it is an interdisciplinary field and I've always enjoyed learning a lot of different things and thinking about whether and how they are related. I like it too because it is not just quiet thoughtful analysis, but actually doing things. It is engineering and making experiments and systems. I think that Data Science is very much about surprises and that is exciting. We're seeking a startling relationship, or an elusive answer, or a plan, or a better question. 42!. Finding answers buried in petabytes is proof positive for me that everything we need is right in front of us and the only limitation we face is our imagination. My focus at MIDS is to absorb as much as possible from the program and my colleagues, to be brave enough to contribute ideas that might not seem congruent with the topic at hand, to be articulate enough to make their case, to freely share what I know and to keep an open mind at all times.


Data Science


John Tabbone is a senior software engineer with Unix system administration and networking experience. He has 20+ years experience architecting, designing, leading, and developing infrastructure-level and outward-facing software engineering projects for Northrop Grumman, New York Stock Exchange, American Stock Exchange, and others. He has great experience shepherding projects through complete Software Development Life Cycle.  As an early adopter of Java, John has a solid understanding of object oriented technologies, including Java (~20 years) and OOA/OOD.  He is a former adjunct of New York University.  One day a week, John teaches 'Problem solving, Introductory Computer Science and Programming' to fourth to eighth grade students at The Spring School Montasorri School.  He was the technical director and lead programmer of Star Trek: Klingon interactive eposide and was once conversant in Klingon.  Qaplah!