Kelly Nguyen

Alumni (MIDS 2022)


AI/ML + Data Visualization


Data Science
User Experience Design & Research


In my role at Apple, I manage supplier, facility, and manufactured parts data across all major lines of business. I translate volumes of disparate data into crisp, executive dashboards that drive supply chain transparency, risk mitigation, and environmental initiatives. I previously worked at the Boston Consulting Group as a data science consultant, strategizing within case teams to transform disparate, unstructured data into audience-centric output (slides/dashboards/tools) to address clients' most critical challenges and showcase their highest-value opportunities. 

I currently hold a bachelor's degree in Computer Science from Cal Poly Pomona. With the MIDS degree, I plan to solidify my data science skills and use AI/ML in my current job. Data visualization is also a passion of mine, and I am hoping to hone my storytelling skills over the course of this program.

In my spare time, I love exploring new restaurants in the San Francisco Bay area and in particular, searching for the best boba milk tea out there!