Lucas Brossi Barbosa

Alumni (MIDS 2022)


Interested in how Data Science can be effectively applied in traditional business organizations to unleash value


Business Strategy


Lucas Brossi Barbosa, 37 years old, living in São Paulo, Brazil. Married with two girls, 6 and 8 years old. Partner at Bain & Company, a management consulting firm, with 16 years of consulting experience and participation in more than 60 projects. Leader of the Automotive and Consumer Practices in South America, seeking to deepen my knowledge and skills in Data Science. A great believer in the power of data and analytics to improve decision making and value creation at business organizations, especially in traditional, non-data natives. Educational background in Business Administration. Undergrad in 2004 at São Paulo Business Administration School of Fundação Getulio Vargas (EAESP-FGV) honored as the best student of my cohort. A serious yoga practitioner, a learning piano player, and a big fan of history (especially religion history), music, ballet, and Civ game (for those who like to play it as well).