Maggie Law

Former Lecturer
Alumni (MIMS 2003)


Research methods in support of intuitive, delightful designs.


I entered the MIMS program with a simple question: Why do companies spend tens or even hundreds of millions of dollars on knowledge-sharing systems that fail miserably? Explorations of both the technical and social side of this question are at the heart of HCI. As with so many students who go through the program, I graduated with new perspectives and professional motivations. My career as a designer of business-focused software has taught me the value -- and challenges -- of simplifying complexity and working within constraints. I've designed supply chain management software (Peoplesoft/Oracle), executive dashboards (SAP), and a wide-ranging suite of tools and apps for Sales-, Service-, and Data-focused users (Salesforce). In recent years, I've managed teams of UX designers and researchers building solutions for a variety of devices. I'm excited to bring my industry experience back to the I School.


BA, Classical Languages, UC Berkeley, 1992
MIMS, UC Berkeley School of Information Management & Systems, 2003

First prize winner (with Kaichi Sung), 2003 Dr. James R. Chen Award for final Masters project