Mayadah Alhashem

MIDS Student


I am an artificial lift engineer in Saudi Aramco specializing in using AI for Electric Submersible Pump applications


Data Science
Product Management


Hello! I'm Maya, a multidisciplinary engineer and data science enthusiast currently navigating the dynamic realm of UC Berkeley. My academic journey commenced at UC Santa Barbara, where I delved into Chemical Engineering, laying the foundation for my passion for merging technology with industry. I continued my Master's degree at the research-focused grad school King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) studying Mechanical Engineering. 

For over a decade, football has been more than a sport; it's a part of who I am. From those early UC Santa Barbara days where my passion in soccer started, to playing professionally in Saudi Arabia's first division league with Alnahda FC, football has been a consistent thread in my life.

Professionally, I've contributed significantly at Saudi Aramco, championing projects that optimize Electrical Submersible Pump (ESP) operations using Industry 4.0, data analytics, and machine learning. Two patents, "Removable Trap Stations for Hydrocarbon Flowlines" (Aramco) and the groundbreaking "Blazer Printer" (UC Santa Barbara) showcase my innovative spirit.

My commitment to AI and sustainability extends beyond the professional realm, evident in leadership and community roles. Join me on this academic journey at UC Berkeley, where technology, football, and a passion for positive change converge!

I love connecting with people, meeting new connections and getting to know everyone. Please do not hesitate to reach out or to add me on LinkedIn and Instagram!