Michael Marks

Alumni (MIDS 2016)


Improving communication of medical information and using large datasets to analyze and improve healthcare.


Through my work, I’ve seen the power data can have. The right data, presented in the right way and in the hands of the right people, is a tool that has changed and will continue to change the world. Despite this, the healthcare industry, especially government healthcare, continues to lag behind other industries when it comes to utilizing data.

There is substantially more medical knowledge out there than any one doctor can know, and archaic methods of communication prevent sharing of this knowledge between doctors, and with their patients. I’ve seen the power that quality data can have in the hands of doctors. Courses of care are altered, and people’s lives are changed. I strongly believe applications of data science will shape the future of the healthcare industry.

I graduated magna cum laude from Oakland University with a degree in Operations Management and a minor Quantitative Methods. Using tools like R, I specialize in healthcare process improvement and data analytics. I have lead healthcare process improvement work; however, my recent focus has been on using data to improve long term rehab for a complex patient population. 

In my spare time, I am an avid golfer. I played golf for OU, earning Academic All-American honors. I do my best to stay competitive with a little help from data to focus my practice time.