Nusrat Rabbee



Dr. Nusrat Rabbee is an applied statistician who specializes in machine learning and data science for medical research, with extensive experience in pharmaceutical industry and a strong teaching and publication record.


Dr. Nusrat Rabbee is a seasoned biostatistician with expertise in machine learning and data science. She was drawn into the field of Biostatistics by the way it blends statistics and medicine. With a diverse background in computer science, economics, and statistics, Dr. Rabbee has made significant contributions to the field. She co-invented the RLMM - a genotype classification algorithm for SNP arrays, holds patents for biomarker identification in ovarian cancer and high-dimensional classifiers in thyroid cancer, and has extensive paharmaceutical industry experience. She has built statistical teams to analyze large data sets including developing pipelines for processing brain MRI scans in the context of drug research and development. Dr. Rabbee is the author of the book, "Biomarker Analysis of Clinical Trials Using R". She served as faculty in the department of Statistics at UC Berkeley for six years. Currently, Dr. Rabbee serves as the Chief of Biostatistics and Clinical Epidemiology Service at NIH Clinical Center - where she leads the statistical activities including  teaching, collaborative research, and administrative duties. Dr. Rabbee is also actively engaged in teaching, publishing, and serving the statistical community. In her current role, she focuses on applying machine learning and data science to advance scientific and medical research at NIH Clinical Center.