Paul Laskowski

Associate Adjunct Professor
Alumni (PhD 2009)


Information economics, telecommunications policy, network architecture, innovation


I am an adjunct assistant professor at UC Berkeley, where I study the interaction between computer networks and economic incentives.  To understand how modern network industries differ from more traditional ones, I create game-theoretic modeling frameworks that incorporate network topology as a critical input.  I am especially interested in applying these to contemporary policy debates, including digital content distribution, future internet architectures, and net neutrality.

I completed my dissertation at Berkeley's School of Information on the topic of innovation in the internet architecture. My disseration was supervised by John Chuang, Hal Varian, and Scott Shenker.  Pamela Samuelson, Suzanne Scotchmer, andDeirdre Mulligan also served as my committee members and advisors.

Before coming to Berkeley, I was lead developer for Project INDIGO, which stands for Information Diffusion and Growth.  This project was started by Marshall Van Alstyne of the University of Michigan's School of Information as a tool for the development and communication of information models.  In the last years, the tool has grown into a general development environment for agent-based simulations.


PhD Information Management and Systems, UC Berkeley School of Information
     Dissertation title: Designing Networks for Innovation 
     Committee: John Chuang (chair), Hal Varian, Scott Shenker 

AB Applied Mathematics, Harvard University