Phillip Hoang

MIDS Student


Data Science related to the Internet of Things, Blockchain, and Metaverse


Product Management
Project Management
Software Development


I am a Senior Software Engineering Manager at Raytheon Intelligence and Space. I have an MBA in finance and a Master's in Software Engineering. My undergraduate degrees are in electrical engineering, computer science, and a minor in economics. In addition, I founded two 501(c)3 non-profit organizations related to diversity and low-income communities. My career goal is to develop a technology company that will be listed on the S&P 500 index. I plan to utilize the UC Berkeley MIDS program to invent technologies that benefit society. 

My Master's in Software Engineering project was a blockchain Internet of Things (IoT) software platform that utilizes the Helium blockchain network to provide data ingestion, data processing, and edge orchestration. It is a minimal viable product (MVP) that is web-based software to ingest data from several edge IoT devices, process the data to provide trend information, and coordinate multiple edge device orchestration. The project demonstrates key technologies: IoT devices transacting on a blockchain, data visualization, and end-to-end edge device orchestration. These technologies enable the development of IoT blockchain decentralized applications (DApps) and services. With the Berkeley MIDS, I plan to expand my research into processing large data from billions of IoT devices in a decentralized environment (i.e., Web 3.0+). 

I am looking to meet co-founders that are interested in working on problems related to the Internet of Things, Blockchain, and Metaverse.