Sam Shih

Alumni (MIDS 2023)


Business Analytics, Data Analytics, Data Scientist


Data Science


I am passionate about connecting business challenges with solutions from data analytics and insights. What I find the most fulfilling is the process of thinking critically about different business questions, framing them as data problems, applying analytical rigor to solving them. For the past 10 years working experience in the data analysis field, I have managed and successfully delivered numerous analytical projects across countries.Specialties:• Data analysis and machine learning: Python (numpy, pandas, matplotlib, selenium, scikit-learn, pytorch), R• Data visualization: Tableau, Power BI, d3.js, Prezi, Data Studio• Cloud Service: AWS (EC2, S3), GCP (BigQuery, GAE, GCE, Vertex AI)• Databse: MS SQL• Reporting: Excel, Excel VBA, Google APP Script• Web development: HTML, CSS, Java Script, Bootstrap, Google map API, Flask, Node.js