Sophia Ayele

Alumni (MIDS 2021)


Public policy analyst with a Masters of Public Administration and eight years of relevant work experience


Data Science


My professional background is in international development and public policy/program evaluation. Most recently, I co-led a team of five evaluators to conduct a comprehensive evaluation of the King County Best Starts for Kids initiative, a property tax levy investing $400 million in programs to improve the health and well-being of children and families. As well as strategic direction for the team, my role involved collecting, managing, and analyzing data reported by King County contractors and producing reports, data visualizations, and presentations for stakeholders. Previously, at Oxfam Great Britain, I authored and contributed to several research papers covered by the international media, including An Economy for the 1% and The Indian Ocean Tsunami, 10 Years On and spearheaded an initiative to share Oxfam’s program evaluation data through the secure UK Data Service. I have a Master of Public Administration and Certificate of International Development and Policy Management from the Evans School of Public Policy at the University of Washington. I am looking forward to building on my technical skills with the MIDS program in order to best leverage available data in my future career.