Steve Fadden



Research methods (qualitative, quantitative, behavioral), Human Computer Interaction, User Experience, Cognitive Psychology, attention, decision-making, universal design



I've had the opportunity to contribute to different aspects of technology research and design in various settings, from industry (Google, Salesforce, Dell, Intel, Peoplesoft, Lockheed Martin Aeronautical Systems), to academia (Landmark College, Marlboro College Graduate Center, George Mason University), and consulting (Booz Allen Hamilton). 

Current Research

I generally study how people use, make decisions with, learn, and accomplish their work with technology. Domains of research interest have included technologies for consumer and business use, systems to promote education and professional development, and tools to support decision-making in specialized domains (e.g. aviation, security, defense, intelligence analysis).

Other Research

Past work engagements include client-focused consulting, professional development, and system assessments to promote decision-making, performance, and learning. Management experiences include developing business and research strategy, leading diverse consulting teams with budgetary responsibility over multiple departments, and managing a nonprofit consulting group with a grant- and client-funded portfolio.


  • Ph.D. Engineering Psychology, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
  • A.M. Cognitive Psychology, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
  • B.S. Psychology, University of Massachusetts, Amherst