Tarun Chopra

Alumni (MIDS 2018)


Focusing on the greatest asset of 21st century - Data especially deep analytics and visualization of data.


Accomplished and goal oriented IT manager with end-to-end technological know-how, and extensive experience in productively leading and managing mainframe missions in an international scenario. IT Bellwether and Business Savvy, competently spearhead and direct IT talent plan activities while displaying a firm ‘grasp and grip’ of all aspects of IT program governance. IT / Software Global Development Strategist - prudently analyze future trends, craft and implement cost saving software development plans, lead development missions and drive changes to achieve organizational business objectives.

Budgeting Expert with deep understanding of financial concepts, procedures, functions and best practices. Project Administrator, effectively plan, execute, lead and manage mission-critical IT / software development projects. Protagonist, build top performing technical teams from scratch, foster collaborative and innovative thought processes among members, and steer teams or team members towards sheer excellence.