Thomas Lee

Former Lecturer

F402D Haas School of Business


Human experience, text and data mining, product innovation, healthcare service innovation, and financial regulatory analysis.


Thomas Lee teaches and conducts research on information and communication technologies to support innovation and new product development.  Specifically, he develops and applies text and data mining methods for processing user-generated content. His goal is to discover and select opportunities for product and service innovation.  Recent research has mined the text of online customer reviews to induce market structure and mined electronic medical records to redesign emergency department healthcare service processes.

He holds Ph.D. and M.S. degrees from MIT's Engineering Systems Division and B.A. and B.S. degrees in Political Science and Symbolic Systems (Artificial Intelligence) from Stanford University.  He has served as a visiting scientist at the Computer Security Division of the National Institute of Standards and Technology, a research engineer at the MITRE Corporation, and as a contractor for DynCorp-Meridian supporting the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency doing research on Internet privacy and security.

In his spare time, he trains and races in distance relays with a team of dorm mates from his MIT graduate residence.  He swims and cycles to cross-train but no, he has never done a triathalon and yes, it is on the list of things to do. 


BA, Political Science, Stanford University  

BS, Symbolic Systems, Stanford University  

MS, Technology Policy, Massachusetts Institute of Technology  

PhD, Engineering Systems, Massachusetts Institute of Technology