Trevor Lang

MIDS Student


Principal Software Engineer/Mission Engineer looking for insights into modern Data Science industry standards and best practices


Data Science
Information Architecture
Software Development


I began my professional career in the U.S. Navy from 2000 to 2007. Following my military service, I attended the University of California San Diego, graduating in 2013 with a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science.

After graduation I perused a career in the aerospace and defense industry. For over a decade, I have been fortunate to work with some of the most intelligent individuals across multiple organizations to solve real-world problems and drive innovation forward.

I made a decision in 2023 to pivot my career trajectory from traditional software engineering and deepen my understanding of data science and machine learning, believing in their transformative potential across industries. This led me to apply to the Master of Information and Data Science program at the University of California, Berkeley, marking the next chapter in my quest for knowledge and professional growth.

I have a wonderful partner and 2 beautiful children that keep me busy most of my time outside of school and work, but I do enjoy mountain biking and any water activities when I have the time.