D. Alex Hughes

Associate Adjunct Professor

First and Third Monday, 11:00 - 11:59 am. 305b and Zoom: https://berkeley.zoom.us/j/94706821053


Experiments and Causal Identification, Statistics, Social Networks, Political Behavior and Outcomes


Current Research

D. Alex Hughes conducts field experiments in challenging settings. His academic research examines how group identity shapes political access and how social connections shape political behavior. This work has been published in The Lancet, The Proceedings of the National Academies of Science, the Journal of Experimental Political Science, Political Behavior, Perspectives on Politics, and other field journals. His professional work helps corporate, non-profit, and government organizations make decisions and deploy the best technology using strong evidence. At the School of Information, Alex teaches courses on statistics, time series statistical forecasting, experiment design, and tech/data science product development and deployment. Alex is a proud product of the US public school system: he holds a PhD and Masters degree from UC San Diego, a BA from the University of Michigan, and is currently a member of the faculty at UC Berkeley where is holds an appointment as an Assistant Professor of Practice.


  • PhD. Political Science, University of California, San Diego, 2016
  • MA. Political Science (American Politics, Applied Statistics) University of California, San Diego, 2011
  • BA. Economics, University of Michigan, 2008
  • BA. Political Science, University of Michigan, 2008