I School Student Fellowships

The I School awards a variety of fellowships to I School students:

Jack Larson Data for Good Fellowship

(MIDS & 5th Year MIDS students only)
The Data for Good fellowship supports MIDS students who desire to use data science to benefit society. Successful applicants will have a background working for non-profits, government, or community service organizations or be able to demonstrate how they intend to use the data science skills acquired in the MIDS program for the betterment of society.

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Paul Fasana LGBTQ Studies Fellowship

(Students in any I School degree program)
The Paul Fasana LGBTQ Studies Fellowship supports students whose research interests or studies are related to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and/or queer studies in any field or discipline.

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Curtis B. Smith Cybersecurity Fellowship

(Students in any I School degree program)
The Curtis B. Smith Fellowship supports students whose research interests or studies are related to the field of cybersecurity.

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Quigley/Heffernan Family Environmental Fellowship

(Students in any I School degree program)
The Quigley/Heffernan Family Environmental Fellowship supports students who are using their skills in data science or other information management disciplines to aid in the reduction of greenhouse emissions or other climate mitigation efforts.

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Steven Weber Futures Fellowship

(Students in any I School degree program)
Modeling Steven Weber’s pioneering future-focused research identifying actionable insights for a healthier digital information ecosystem, the Steven Weber Futures Fellowship supports students whose work helps decision-makers act with foresight and expands who has access to and benefits from digital information technologies.

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Last updated: November 8, 2023