MIDS Capstone Projects: Summer 2018

Are you concerned about your brain health or want information about it? As we get older, science shows that brain health can suffer from a brain…
Crime and Hazards: Moving or buying a new house or apartment, find out what your new neighborhood looks like.
De-crypto provides individual investors with a a research tool to look at various data sources and present risk indicators to aid in searching and assessing…
Informing voters on candidate stances and voting information
iCareer Climber transforms hundreds of thousands of resumes into digestible information for the job seeker. Our tools give job seekers the power to tackle…
A new solution to protect devices from cyberthreats.
A tool for language style transfer that allows users to “translate” the verbatim style of one group into the parlance of another group. 
The "Root Cellar" project is the final capstone project for students from the University of California, Berkeley Masters of Information and Data Science…
SmartRE combines property, neighborhood, and location attributes with individual preferences to find your ideal home in a new city.
Buying whiskey is hard. The Whiskey Library is here to change that. Introducing the first neural net whiskey curation engine.
Detecting AI-Generated Video Forgeries