MIMS Final Project 2015

City Trail

Childhood obesity has more than doubled in the last 30 years. We also observed that the overall interactions between the families are siloed - kids and parents have their own devices and apps, but the overall time spent with each other in the family is increasingly diminishing. 

Proposed Solution

Children find activities attractive the moment you gamify them. Plus, the activity pushes parents to get some exercise themselves and also bond with their children. Children emulate parents, so developing healthy habits at an early age will have a positive impact on their future lifestyle choices. Children spend a lot of time on handheld devices; we want to leverage their interest to form healthier habits spontaneously.

We propose a solution that leverages the following aspects:

  1. Uses technology as a catalyst for fostering meaningful digital interactions between the families
  2. Promotes healthy and active lifestyle amongst kids in the early years (8-10 years)

City Trail is a smartphone and smartwatch based app that allows families to gamify their workout routines. With City Trail, we are redefining the way families exercise and interact.  

Last updated: October 7, 2016