MIDS Capstone Project Summer 2016

Brand Buzz on Reddit

Problem Overview

Companies want to know how their brands and products are perceived in the general public. Brand popularity can lead to increased sales and revenues. One popular medium is to monitor the buzz through social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter where large populations are actively sharing opinions regarding different subjects. Having the ability to proactively monitor large corpus from social media lets companies easily gather real-time feedback and promptly react to market opportunities.

Reddit is a social media platform with rising popularity. According to Alexa, it is amongst the top 10 websites in the United States and top 30 globally in internet traffic. Reddit attracts a specific demographic of users who are young (average age of 34), internet savvy and creatively-oriented. In addition, Reddit has a unique engagement mechanism where different boards (“subreddits”) can be created for every topic and users can interact with the community by commenting on submissions. The open and trust-based community is what distinguishes Reddit from other social media platforms.

Current market offerings let users filter out the most relevant content from various social media platforms and receive alerts about mentions. However, these solutions are generic and do not support the Reddit platform. Some solutions can monitor Reddit, but they only offer keyword filtering in a cumbersome user interface.

Our Solution

Our application distinguishes itself from the competitors through the following key features:

Our application displays Reddit-based metrics such as top submissions, subreddits and authors of influential comments for a particular brand.

Advanced text analytics analyzes semantic context within the Reddit corpus and provides relevant examples that target specific comments and their authors.

Relevant Topics
Similar discussions are grouped together as clusters and distinctive topics are automatically tagged and intuitively presented in a mobile-friendly dashboard.

Rich Interaction
Users can dynamically filter content based on date, subreddit, or enter their own terms to filter the displayed data on each brand’s dashboard page.


Last updated: March 30, 2017