safeCycle: Riding for safety in NYC
Student Project


SafeCycle answers the question, how can a cyclist get a relative sense of safety when riding in New York City?

 In 2014 alone, there were 3,982 cyclist injuries in the city of New York involving Motor Vehicles as well as 20 cyclist fatalities. This project seeks to be impactful by making safer routes accessible to cyclists in New York City. To date, there is no application accessible to the public that provides a safety index for biking routes beyond the relatively simple offering from NYC Vision Zero, which while offering the punctual location of injuries and fatalities, does not serve as an appropriate medium to inform cycling decisions.

Our vision is to contribute to minimizing cyclist accidents and fatalities in New York City through an interactive, geospacial visualization with a model for cyclist safety as the primary variable of interest.

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Last updated: December 13, 2016