MIDS Capstone Project Spring 2017


Many, including the United Nations, believe “it is the human rights of women that we see most widely ignored around the world”.

As part of that massive problem, our goal is to mitigate a sub-problem -- online gender harassment – which has reached an epidemic (e.g., in part of the world, nearly 1 of 2 women is harassed online). Online harassment towards women is a harmful manifestation of gender inequality that exists both online and offline.

Our Empathization effort has produced two user-informed, data-science products. One product revolves around people who repeatedly tweet online gender harassment, and the other product focuses on people who receive and are affected by such tweets.

If you or anyone you know has unfortunately experienced online gender harassment on Twitter, please view our website for more information (link in the blue box below). Thank you.

More Information

Last updated: May 13, 2017