MIDS Capstone Project Spring 2018

Scriboto: Converting clinical visit audio to EHR classified text

Doctor's visits used to mean that the doctor would come to your home and spend hours with you to learn about your health.

Now, a doctor's visit means that you go to the doctor's office for a much shorter visit.  And during that visit, your doctor is probably paying more attention to the computer than to you, the patient.

With the standardized use of Electronic Health Records (EHR), doctors are now required to document all of their visits with patients, which can often take just as long as the actual visit.  Because of these extra duties, doctors are often unable to write their notes on clinical visits until days after the visit, when details are easily forgotten.  While EHR has its benefits, the extra burden placed on doctors leads to deteriorating patient-doctor relationships, doctor burnout, and documentation errors.

Scriboto is our answer.  Scriboto automatically produces EHR notes from clinical conversations, giving doctors more time to focus on their patients. Scriboto records and transcribes the audio from doctor-patient conversations, and then writes out the transcribed text into the appropriate sections of an Electronic Health Record (History of Present Illness, Past Medical History, Allergies, Medications, etc). Using Scriboto can lead to improved doctor-patient relationships, happier doctors and patients, and fewer documentation errors.



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Last updated: May 12, 2018