MIDS Capstone Project Fall 2018

Transparency in Privacy - Privacy Policy Analysis for M&A

Team members

Transparency In Privacy .Org

A visualization tool for understanding the impact of M&A on consumer privacy.

Consumers are forced to make decisions about their personal information (and about the personal information of their friends and family) without a clear understanding of the implications of those decisions.  The dubious framework of consumer informed consent is used as legal justification for a myriad of information collection, processing, and disclosure practices that few consumers fully understand.  Mergers and acquisitions further exacerbate this situation by transferring consumer data into business frameworks and usage scenarios far beyond the original “consent” to the privacy policy. is a not-for-profit focused on making transparent the privacy agreements that consumers consent to with App companies.  We have built an M&A Analysis Tool to show consumers what happens when the company that makes their favorite app is acquired by another firm.  Our analysis includes changes in the business model and the affect on the privacy policy, user data, and the disposition of the acquired company's IP assets, products, and people.

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Last updated: October 1, 2019