The Economic Guide to Picking a College Major
College education nowadays is a big investment of both money and time, while a college degree is no guarantee of economic success. With some guidance on choosing the college majors, college students may take at least some steps on improving the outlook of economic returns. By analyzing the data on college majors and financial returns, our goal is to understand how big a financial difference choice of college major can make and provide a tool for stakeholders such as students and their parents to easily explore the earning potential.
Data Source: 2013-2017 American Community Survey (ACS) Public Use Microdata Sample (PUMS) released by US Census Bureau
In 2013-2017, the top 5 of the highest paying major categories and top 10 of the highest paying majors are visualized. In the visualization, you will explore the data including the unemployment rate, the annual income, the gender ratio, and the trend over years (2013-2017) by 15 major categories and 137 detailed majors in the United States. There is an interactive tool in the end for you to customize the information you want.