MIDS Capstone Project Summer 2019

Snout: Augmented Intelligence Mushroom Classification

Snout is a mobile app that leverages augmented intelligence to bring this educational technology solution to the edge. Snout brings a field guide and the guidance of a seasoned mushroom expert together to interact with the user in guiding them through the steps to responsibly assess a mushroom they've found to determine its species.

With over 135 species and 66 genera of some of the most popularly-found wild mushrooms available, Snout prompts the user to take photo(s) of the mushroom for inference to narrow down the most likely genera and then involves the user in narrowing down to possible species through intelligently-determined human-in-the-loop questions.

All along the classification journey, Snout aims to educate the user on parts of the mushroom, different characteristics that a mushroom can embody, and looping in the field guide for more detail on the mushrooms. Get outside and learn about the fun world of mushrooms with Snout!

Last updated: October 24, 2019