MIDS Capstone Project Fall 2019

Vizziest: Making Visualization Easiest for Everyone

People wanting to create data visualizations are faced with reading through and vetting multiple search results to find the guidance they need to create a visualization that fits their need. While they will eventually find an answer, it takes time and energy. Vizziest takes the time, frustration, and guesswork out of finding actionable guidance for creating the data visualization that best meets the user’s business requirements.

Our hypothesis is that given a problem domain such as visualization, we can create models on top of knowledge repositories to generate more helpful, targeted advice than a user would get from a generalized search engine. Once developed, this approach can generalize to other problem domains, for example, predicting data science models most appropriate for a user's business need.

Our goal is to provide casual and expert users with highly relevant guidance for completing their data visualization task. Using machine learning and advanced natural language processing models, Vizziest reduces users’ frustration, guesswork, and time spent finding the data visualization solution they need.

Last updated: December 11, 2019