MIMS Final Project 2020



Malloci is a WebVR framework that uses Natural Language Processing and information visualization techniques to generate WebVR content. This content is curated to facilitate ease of consumption for the user, across a variety of VR platforms and browsers.


Virtual Reality is a growing industry, but while hardware has made vast improvements in recent years, software and content have lagged behind. This can be attributed to the complexity involved in generating this kind of content. There is a steep learning curve one must overcome before they can begin creating VR content of any kind; requiring not only a fundamental understanding of software engineering and game development but also a fundamental understanding of spatial design and access to high-end hardware and software tools. This has limited VR as a medium for games, novelty experiences, and niche business applications, grossly underutilizing its potential as a tool to engage with content in immersive and productive ways.

There are obvious parallels that can be drawn to the early days of the personal computer. Steep learning curves limited PCs to business, education, and games. This changed with the introduction of the web and HTML: the web made content shareable, opening access to a wider audience, and HTML greatly reduced the knowledge necessary for creating innovative and diverse content for this audience. We aim to take a similar stab in the VR industry with the web and HTML/markdown as gateways to promoting creation and consumption of VR content.

Last updated: May 18, 2020