MIMS Final Project 2020


A self-driving car is equipped with 360 degree cameras to operate on the road. Ordinarily, when people are recorded in private areas, it is compulsory to put a disclaimer about it. While such a car seeks the permission of the owner of the car, it does not seek consent to be recorded from pedestrians or passengers of cars whose license plates get recorded. The pedestrians have not opted in for the surveillance by a private firm and have no means to opt-out of such surveillance. This data can be exploited by the company collecting the data or actors who access the data.

This project plans to investigate techniques that enable secure, privacy-preserving machine learning for autonomous vehicle and discuss the trade-off and issues involving privacy, security and data collection policies of protecting the individuals whilst allowing the data to be useful for public use and for the autonomous vehicles industry.

Last updated: May 18, 2020