MIDS Capstone Project Fall 2020


SaveYourMaize is an AI-based solution to enable farmers with early and automated detection of Northern Leaf Blight disease in maize crop. In the US alone, farmers lose $2B / year in crop due to corn blight. For farmers to contain the spread, they need real-time information about their crop, especially since corn blight spreads within a week. But current solutions aren’t practical - either not scalable or too expensive to deploy.

Our solution uses object detection-based deep learning frameworks that aids farmers implement timely measures to minimize yield loss and pesticide cost.

About Northern Corn Leaf Blight (NCLB)

Northern corn leaf blight causes the leaves to dry out, wither and die. If not controlled, there is significant loss of green leaf area, and consequently loss of yield. Farmers can also incur a significant pesticide spend that can have a long term impact on soil quality.

More Information

Last updated: December 9, 2020